
A icon of people16

(We were 5 programmers)


Two windows of the same game playing together.

Gif showing gameplay from B34-N

The networking was implemented using the Mirror library as well as Mono.Nat for upnp.

Most of the networking code was either written by me or partially written by me.

The networking does work as it should in the end product with no major bugs, the game ends for both players when one quits, HUD (mostly done by another) and lobby UI is synced, there is local network server discovery although without any meta data, as such it shows up as just a IP address.

Throwable healing field

Gif showing the usage of the healing field

A mostly reusable throwable item, that in this case heals the player in a radius upon landing. It has a guide line showing where it will land.

The landing position is calculated rather cruedly, first raycasting from the pointer location on the screen to check if the player is pointing onto ground, as well as get the direction and distance from the player; if the distance is lower than the max allowed distance just use the first raycast hit, otherwise raycast up and down from a point calculated using the max distance and the direction previously gathered.

Minor contributions