(We were 4 programmers)
Ragdoll system
The ragdoll system consists a multitude of features, such as partial ragdoll for limbs, half ragdoll half animation and ragdoll while still using the capsule collider for physics.
Now, I can’t say I am particularly happy with the code quality as I should been using a state machine, as can be seen below, there a multiple checks for states and possible transistions. Which would have been easier to manage if I were to have used a state machine.
// Check if physics should be turned off
if (PhysicsOn)
RequiredFlyingTimeLeft -= DeltaTime;
if ((DistanceFromGround <= 2.f || VelocityLength <= 400.f) && RequiredFlyingTimeLeft <= 0.f)
PhysicsOn = false;
GetOwner()->SetActorRotation(FRotator(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// Have the capsule collider follow the ragdoll.
if (IsRagdolling)
GetOwner()->SetActorLocation(Mesh->GetComponentLocation(), false, nullptr, ETeleportType::None);
if (!IsRagdolling && (VelocityLength >= RagdollRequiredForce) && !JustEnteredPhysics)
EnterRagdoll(Velocity * RagdollTransitionMultiplier);
else if (!ExitingRagdoll && IsRagdolling && VelocityLength <= 40.0f && DistanceFromGround < 50.f)
else if (ExitingRagdoll)
if (JustEnteredPhysics)
JustEnteredPhysics = false;
Windblast ability
Originally it was implemented using a large amount of raycasts uniformly distributed in a circle, this however lead to a noticable drop of fps in unreals profiler. As such it was later replaced with a much smaller amount of sphere casts which was performant enough to where I was unable to notice any spikes in the profiler.
Now, in hindsight it likely would have been enough to check for intersection in a cone and running a single ray/sphere cast between every enemy and the player to check for strength or blockage.